“Echevarría Petit & Asoc. S.R.L”, current name of the Firm, is the professional association under which, his partner in charge, Accountant Jorge Echevarría Petit, still carries out the activity started by the firm in 1950. The firm is an independent member of the PrimeGlobal association, providing assistance to its clients anywhere around the world.
It is currently composed by partners Jorge Echevarría Petit and Santiago Lussich Rachetti, both of them Public Accountants with degrees from the University of the Republic and the Universidad de Montevideo, respectively.
We could say that our firm is known for providing high quality services which are always managed by one of its partners or managers.
The professional services offered by the firm are tax and corporation advisory, audit and consulting.
The partners are members of the Colegio de Contadores, Economistas y Administradores del Uruguay (Uruguayan Association of Accountants, Economists and Administrators) and the Instituto Uruguayo de Estudios Tributarios (Uruguayan Institute of Tax Studies) and participate actively in the activities carried out by both institutions. Accountant Echevarría Petit is also a member of the Interamerican Accounting Association.